The NECN Board of Directors consists of a diverse group of residents of Northeast Portland and work to ensure that NECN is able to be successful in its mission to serve its community.
The board currently consists of 18 positions:

  • 12 Neighborhood Association representatives -- selected by each of the Coalition's 12 Neighborhood Associations and appointed by the Board of Directors

  • 6 at-large members -- elected by the Neighborhood Associations

The board is governed by NECN bylaws: Revised and adopted February 20, 2024. Effective on July 1, 2024.

Advocacy Letters

The Board of Directors speaks on a variety of policy and livability issues as they pertain to the Northeast community and the city at large. Below are recent advocacy letters that were sent to city staff and elected officials: 

Board Meetings

All board meetings are open to the public and are currently being held online via Zoom

Full Board Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:30pm (no meeting in August)
Executive Committee Meetings: 1st Thursday of the month, 6:30pm
Election of at-large members and executive officers: June Board Meeting

NECN BOARD OF DIRECTORS -- updated February 2024

Interim Co-Chair: Sean Green -
Interim Co-Chair: Jimmy Wilson -
Secretary: Anjala Ehelebe
Treasurer: Onnie Allen
Parliamentarian: Rosie Willis


King Representative: John Kim

Lloyd Representative: vacant

Sabin Representative: Josh Bale

Sullivan's Gulch Representative: Ted Schenck

Vernon Representative: Allan Whiting

Woodlawn Representative: Anjala Ehelebe

Alameda Representative: Robert McConville

Boise Representative: Karis Stoudamire-Phillips

Concordia Representative: vacant

Eliot Representative: Jimmy Wilson

Humboldt Representative: vacant

Irvington Representative: Peter O’Neil

At-Large Representatives: Shirley Minor (Woodlawn) ; Sean Green (Sabin) ; Rosie Willis, (King) ; Two Vacant

Below are recent agendas and minutes of our board meetings. CONTACT US if you would like to see the agendas and minutes from previous years. 



  • 12/29/23: Agenda, Minutes

  • 11/21/23: Agenda, Minutes

  • 10/17/23: Agenda, Minutes

  • 9/19/23: Agenda, Minutes

  • 8/15/22: Agenda, Minutes

  • 7/18/23: Agenda, Minutes

  • 6/20/23: Agenda, Minutes (General Meeting / Elections)

    Elections rescheduled for June 27th 6:30-7:00pm (same Zoom link)

  • 5/16/23: Agenda, Minutes (Canceled)

  • 4/18/23: Agenda, Minutes

  • 3/21/23: Agenda, Minutes

  • 2/21/23: Agenda, Minutes

  • 1/17/23: Agenda, Minutes